Two of the key drivers at Disney are cleanliness and friendliness. Despite having the most incredible rides, attractions and shows, the two things guests frequently say “wow’d” them was how clean the place was and how friendly the cast members were.

These two drivers aren’t anything new. In fact, they were part of Walt Disney’s original vision for the Disney parks.

There’s no question Walt Disney was a visionary. The dream he envisioned and ultimately created was centered on providing people with the very best experience possible which began by keeping the place clean and keeping it friendly.

Walt’s vision was both brilliant and simple. He didn’t speak of specific job tasks and descriptions, which vary from person to person. Instead, he pulled the camera back so every cast member could see the bigger picture and understand what their purpose was in fulfilling this dream called Disneyland. No matter what your specific job title or responsibilities, it is everyone’s responsibility to keep the place clean and engage with guests and one another in a way that is friendly and courteous.

These values hold true to this day — even 54 years after Disney’s death.

Defining your organization’s values is more than just crafting a mission statement and hanging it on the wall. It requires an organizational introspection with representatives from across all lines of business who come together to define what the organization stands for (and what they will no longer stand for).

These values will be unique to every organization and once they are carefully defined and then hardwired so every employee is pointing in the same direction, they will serve as the guiding compass for the organization. Much like Walt defined his company values so many years ago.