Jake Poore conducting a feeback session, capturing the “Voice of the Patient.”

Improving Patient and Employee Experiences: A Multifaceted Approach

Our comprehensive assessment aims to scrutinize and elevate the experiences within your healthcare facility, focusing on four key pillars: human resources, operational processes, physical environment, and clinical perception. Utilizing a blend of First Impressions Observations, Employee Pride Assessments, and Patient Focus Groups, we aim to create a roadmap for your long-term success.


  • Confirm the alignment of organizational goals, vision, and strategy with the desired patient experience.
  • Identify potential barriers to achieving a world-class culture.
  • Walk through the entire patient journey, from appointment scheduling to post-visit follow-up.
  • Observe daily routines of employees and healthcare providers.
  • Conduct unbiased interviews with both employees and patients to understand the realities of the current experience.
  • During interviews, pinpoint individuals who are passionate advocates for positive change and consider them for future initiatives.


  • Video-record your facility from multiple directions, access points and through major hallway thoroughfares.
  • Assess parking, building entrances, signage/way finding, and all general services and departments.
  • Employee focus group discussions: gaining a clear sense of the current state and intended direction of the organization.
  • Observe at least 100 random employee interactions for uniformity, demeanor, and responsiveness.
  • Conduct a “trash audit” to gauge employee pride and ownership of their attention to detail.
  • Conduct interviews with a diverse cross-section of patients and family members.
  • Gather various sources of patient experience data, including CAHPS survey results and patient satisfaction scores.
  • Video clips of patient examples in stories are very powerful tools to be used in upcoming training with physicians, Leaders, and staff.
  • They say, “the Captain of the ship sets the tone.” Through one-on-one interviews, we seek to discover – In what direction are you heading? Does everyone have the same definition of success? How is communication between leaders and teams?

8 Key Elements Measured

We will share some things that we observed that can change quickly with maximum impact. We will also share the things that are missing that are best practices from other facilities where we worked with inside and outside of healthcare.

Evaluate the organization’s preparedness for cultural transformation.

Assess the clarity of organizational goals and decision-making processes.
Evaluate the training and mindset of employees in delivering expected patient care.
Establish well-defined service expectations and accountability metrics.
Identify and remove policies or processes that hinder service excellence.
Examine existing recognition programs and their alignment with desired behaviors.
Assess how patient and employee feedback is collected, analyzed, and acted upon.


  • A 2-3 hour presentation of our findings and recommendations to the Executive Team and key stakeholders.
  • A detailed cultural analysis report (up to 20 pages).
  • Multimedia content, including quotes, photographs, and video clips, to highlight key themes from our focus group sessions.

Our approach is rooted in over two decades of experience in diagnosing and treating both employee culture and patient experience. We believe that this comprehensive assessment will serve as a critical first step in your journey towards long-term success, providing invaluable insights that can transform your healthcare facility into a world-class institution.

These are the lenses which patients look through. All four P’s must come together to create the ideal patient experience. It is he integration of these 4P’s is how we make Patients feel.

Client Success Stories

One goal of Pride Audits is to identify (and eventually remove) Graffiti. We define Graffiti as anything that distracts, detracts or defaces the intended patient experience.

Mercy Medical Group
Char Allmond, Clinic Operations Supervisor

By mapping out every step of the Patient Experience, we strive to see things as patients see them. Then, we can work to identify and either remove or replace the graffiti that is preventing the ideal experience. Here’s one client who shares her story of how her team changed a few words in a greeting to create a better patient experience.

”By involving every team member, across all lines of the patient experience, and making them the architects responsible for developing a new organizational culture, they’ve not only created it, they own it. This authorship and ownership leads to mutual accountability, which means your team will police it every day at all levels … even when you’re not around.”

Jake Poore
ILS President and Chief Experience Officer

10 Things You Can Do Right Now To Improve The Patient Experience

The Power of Connections: Two Tools For Success


A simple and effective tool to create a better experience for patients, caregivers, families, and employees.


Caring Out Loud®

The best way to make a connection with patients and one another.